Freitag, 19. Januar 2007

the sermon of total repulse

We welcome you, enchanted spirit of waters and water's plants!
We praise you, thou godess of gentler waves, of warmer springs! So thou supportest our journey with your mildest amends.
Not only will we travel the Blues Bars of Chicago and spit our last bit of puke into the calm waters of Lake Michigan. Not only will we fight the murderous spy bugs of the Upper Peninsula. Not only will we waste ourselves for days and for weeks.
But rather will we: spread the word of revolution among the children of America and shoot bottle rockets into the dark blue Minnesota sky and see them falling back on the ground as miraculous pumpkins.
We will buy rifle and shoot, we will buy fishing equipment and fish, we will buy America and become Americans. We will buy bumper stickers saying "flagburners beware".

We will be friendly to our b&b.
There will be no loss and no sorrow but we will quarrel about our language. Martinovitch will try his fake Queen's English and I will eat burgers. I will sing along to Roxy Music. Martinovitch will throw all my CDs into the mighty Mississippi.
If I had an ipod he would also throw this crappy electronic device into the mighty Mississippi river. But I would never stop humming - how could I. So maybe there is the chance that even I would be thrown into the miraculous Mississippi by Martinovitch the grand hero of Russian revolutions and of every revolution ever since.
I would float down the mighty river and I would not turn into a submarine. Neither would I turn into a Mississippi steam boat.
What might I turn into?

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