Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007

low profile camping

Alright, 7 days of serious wilderness must be enough. 7 days of canou paddeling, 7 days of sunburns, 7 days of: was this really a woolf? So after leaving a 7 inch footprint on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, always sensing Canadian libertinage accross the lake, we headed South. Main reason though was our major defeat last night in Mosquito warfare. We have been camping on a small outpost called Lost Creek with just 3 campsites. There was no running water except for the stream, Lost Creek. And no placer to shit except for a hole in the ground. So, just in case you will not recognize us when we drop out of customs back in Germany in might be due to the heavy wilderness impact we had. You know, if you 7 days w/ just one person it sometimes feels like a relief to talk with flies about your very own concerns of having them having intercourse on your leg, your back, your head etc. I mean, honestly, how many position are there to be practiced before the everyday wilderness fly can be sure of having its genepool safe?
However, we will forget the trauma of wilderness since after all it only helped us becoming so self aware. We drove West today starting in the Porcupine Mountains and made a2 hour stop in Duluth. Duluth is not only fucken beautiful, it also has a superior Hippie and Headshop density plus the best Mexican restaurant East of the mighty Mississippi River. But maybe that was becausee we did not have breakfast before we arrived there.
Yet after all the place helped us develop our theory about how the Mexicans will conquer America by serving Enchilladas way too spicy. After finishing that of and leaving Martin waist our time in the adult region of the bookstore we decided to let the place be. So we successfully touched down in Minneapolis where we live in a lovely little hostel. Enjoying the luxury of a flush toilet and a party density close to the Marais.
And that's where we're going now!

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