Freitag, 27. Juli 2007

Plan to take over North Dakota

North Dakota, star of the North West, endless praerie, endless roads, home of General Custer, home of the Rough Rider, Teddys favorit state, where the zicades sound like a smokealert and even the mosquitos bite harder then in Mass. or at the Upper Peninsula!I will be your governor. I will lead you into a graet future!

"The Easy Way" also called "The American Way"
Kill the actuall governor and take over! NO GOOD, to bloody, too boring!

"The Hard Way" also called "The Democratic Way"
North Dakota has ca. 500.000 citizens, that's not much for a state. So if you would just talk to the people you would probably have good chances to become governor of North Dakota.
You would have to talk to about 1.300 people a day, or you do it in two years so it' half the work.
After you took over the power you declare North Dakota independent from the US and war too South Dakota, take it over too and reunite the whole country of Dakota! After that you go toegether with Cuba or Columbia, maybe Mexico and have a fullfild life as governor of the first comunist country INSIDE the US.
Good plan or? If you wanna join the revolution, no way! Dakota is mine, go find your owne country!

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