Lost on Montezuma trail

Hey Martin!
YO Dude you be online from time to time? Hope your doing your thing in the high mountains of South America.
You know what I thought of: we should use this blog in the future for chatting w/ close friends like the Bernd and others. You could write about your boat and we would all comment your bullshit, eso es mierda de torres.
Anyway, I am sort of frustrated that nobody ever comments any piece of shit we both write. And so I thought: maybe this way we will have a higher level of contributership. What do you think?
Beware the mountain lion and the lama, mate!

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Lost on Montezuma trail
Hey Martin! YO Dude you be online from time to time?...
lnx - 13. Aug, 08:05
dakota vs dildodrop
Ruler of Bismarck - we salute thou! Bismarck thou...
lnx - 28. Jul, 16:25
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North Dakota, star of the North West, endless praerie,...
Martinovich - 27. Jul, 04:20
low profile camping
Alright, 7 days of serious wilderness must be enough....
lnx - 19. Jul, 04:18
Travel Log^^Baron Time...
Cheers Travel Log! The Baron left Illinois as quick...
lnx - 13. Jul, 19:02





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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. Aug, 08:05


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