Montag, 13. August 2007

Lost on Montezuma trail

Hey Martin!
YO Dude you be online from time to time? Hope your doing your thing in the high mountains of South America.
You know what I thought of: we should use this blog in the future for chatting w/ close friends like the Bernd and others. You could write about your boat and we would all comment your bullshit, eso es mierda de torres.
Anyway, I am sort of frustrated that nobody ever comments any piece of shit we both write. And so I thought: maybe this way we will have a higher level of contributership. What do you think?
Beware the mountain lion and the lama, mate!

Freitag, 27. Juli 2007

Plan to take over North Dakota

North Dakota, star of the North West, endless praerie, endless roads, home of General Custer, home of the Rough Rider, Teddys favorit state, where the zicades sound like a smokealert and even the mosquitos bite harder then in Mass. or at the Upper Peninsula!I will be your governor. I will lead you into a graet future!

"The Easy Way" also called "The American Way"
Kill the actuall governor and take over! NO GOOD, to bloody, too boring!

"The Hard Way" also called "The Democratic Way"
North Dakota has ca. 500.000 citizens, that's not much for a state. So if you would just talk to the people you would probably have good chances to become governor of North Dakota.
You would have to talk to about 1.300 people a day, or you do it in two years so it' half the work.
After you took over the power you declare North Dakota independent from the US and war too South Dakota, take it over too and reunite the whole country of Dakota! After that you go toegether with Cuba or Columbia, maybe Mexico and have a fullfild life as governor of the first comunist country INSIDE the US.
Good plan or? If you wanna join the revolution, no way! Dakota is mine, go find your owne country!

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007

low profile camping

Alright, 7 days of serious wilderness must be enough. 7 days of canou paddeling, 7 days of sunburns, 7 days of: was this really a woolf? So after leaving a 7 inch footprint on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, always sensing Canadian libertinage accross the lake, we headed South. Main reason though was our major defeat last night in Mosquito warfare. We have been camping on a small outpost called Lost Creek with just 3 campsites. There was no running water except for the stream, Lost Creek. And no placer to shit except for a hole in the ground. So, just in case you will not recognize us when we drop out of customs back in Germany in might be due to the heavy wilderness impact we had. You know, if you 7 days w/ just one person it sometimes feels like a relief to talk with flies about your very own concerns of having them having intercourse on your leg, your back, your head etc. I mean, honestly, how many position are there to be practiced before the everyday wilderness fly can be sure of having its genepool safe?
However, we will forget the trauma of wilderness since after all it only helped us becoming so self aware. We drove West today starting in the Porcupine Mountains and made a2 hour stop in Duluth. Duluth is not only fucken beautiful, it also has a superior Hippie and Headshop density plus the best Mexican restaurant East of the mighty Mississippi River. But maybe that was becausee we did not have breakfast before we arrived there.
Yet after all the place helped us develop our theory about how the Mexicans will conquer America by serving Enchilladas way too spicy. After finishing that of and leaving Martin waist our time in the adult region of the bookstore we decided to let the place be. So we successfully touched down in Minneapolis where we live in a lovely little hostel. Enjoying the luxury of a flush toilet and a party density close to the Marais.
And that's where we're going now!

Freitag, 13. Juli 2007

Travel Log^^Baron Time 11>49, Day3

Cheers Travel Log!

The Baron left Illinois as quick as He poped in. Baron Pilot Martinovich and 1st mate alanski successfully touched down on a terrific camping site in Zion, IL. Lake Michigan 3 minutes from our HQ. Yet bloody cold the water was.

1st mate attempted drug sale with the locals: result was close to ending beat up on the Interstate. Since then we stopped having conversations with people who look like having had their 5th crack pipe by noon. Learning of the day: Europe is not only more relaxed in general, even our junkies are cooler.
Anyway, we are on beer straight now, left IL far behind and are now at the border WI-MI. We will make the Upper Peninsula today and stay there. Go rafting, build campfires, roast onions. No idea. Whatever, cell phones lost connection, outside world can kiss our behind.

Oh, and what makes 1st mate sad: Noone says quid, noone says cheers except for when your drinking. And Wisconsin is not our friend.

Mittwoch, 14. März 2007

fast car//pickupmania

Hey Martin!

The Baron NEEDS a tattoo, necessarily. Otherwise: no road trip or anything. What about some flames? And a bumper sticker: flagburner's beware or similar redneck shit like NRA crap.
However, the car looks fucking brilliant. I can imagine the two of us after a nice day of trout fishing and bbq falling asleep on the back, looking into a bright sky full of stars...

Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2007

plants and lakes and rocks

Martinovitch&Alanski proudly present:
the M&AandA&M picture contribution contest asking you to send in your favorite jpg of plants or lakes or rocks - maybe we'll also do clouds, however, no animals except for ducks (because we love them) or ants (because we're gonna hate them).

Depending on the extent of the success of our spectacular "support our trip" merchandising campaign, we are going to deliver a series of exclusively and not only high profile but also bloody high brow gadgets and couture using your wonderful ugc pictures.


ps: How to?
1. get registered at
2. write a comment and earn contributer status
3. smile&upload//upload&smile

Freitag, 19. Januar 2007

the sermon of total repulse

We welcome you, enchanted spirit of waters and water's plants!
We praise you, thou godess of gentler waves, of warmer springs! So thou supportest our journey with your mildest amends.
Not only will we travel the Blues Bars of Chicago and spit our last bit of puke into the calm waters of Lake Michigan. Not only will we fight the murderous spy bugs of the Upper Peninsula. Not only will we waste ourselves for days and for weeks.
But rather will we: spread the word of revolution among the children of America and shoot bottle rockets into the dark blue Minnesota sky and see them falling back on the ground as miraculous pumpkins.
We will buy rifle and shoot, we will buy fishing equipment and fish, we will buy America and become Americans. We will buy bumper stickers saying "flagburners beware".

We will be friendly to our b&b.
There will be no loss and no sorrow but we will quarrel about our language. Martinovitch will try his fake Queen's English and I will eat burgers. I will sing along to Roxy Music. Martinovitch will throw all my CDs into the mighty Mississippi.
If I had an ipod he would also throw this crappy electronic device into the mighty Mississippi river. But I would never stop humming - how could I. So maybe there is the chance that even I would be thrown into the miraculous Mississippi by Martinovitch the grand hero of Russian revolutions and of every revolution ever since.
I would float down the mighty river and I would not turn into a submarine. Neither would I turn into a Mississippi steam boat.
What might I turn into?

Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2007

playlist 1&2

Down By The River, Neil Young
Say Yes! To Michigan, Sufjan Stevens
Luscious jackson
Michigan State, Devandra Banhart
I Was A Lover , TV On The Radio
Life on Mars, Seu Jorge
High Tide or Low Tide, Ben Harper & Jack Johnson
Easier, Grizzly Bear
Open Sea Theme, Sven Libaek
I'll Take The Rain, REM
Sleeping Bear, Sault Saint Marie, Sufjan Stevens
Leguman, TTC
Dirtywhirl, TV On The Radio
Where The Wild Rosses Grow, Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue
In the Devil's Territory, Sufjan Stevens
I Feel Just Like A Child, Devandra Banhart
Die Erde wird der schönste Platz im All, Mutter

Bello e Impossibile, Gianna Nannini
Always On My Mind, Pet Shop Boys
Good Old Fashioned Loverboy, Queen
My Love, Justin Timberlake ft T.I.
sale pute, TTC
Sowing The Seeds Of Love, Tears for Fears
Let Me Tell You About My Boat, Mark Mothersbaugh
Multiply, Jamie Lidell
Like A Prayer, Madonna
Everything In Its Right Place, Radiohead
Take Me To the River, Talking Heads
Radiohead, Joy division cover
wifey riddem, Alias
Lazy-Boy Blues, Akufen
Hat in the Wind, Anticon - Themselves (Dose-One, Jel)
Pose, Justin Timberlake ft. Snoop Dogg

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Aktuelle Beiträge

Lost on Montezuma trail
Hey Martin! YO Dude you be online from time to time?...
lnx - 13. Aug, 08:05
dakota vs dildodrop
Ruler of Bismarck - we salute thou! Bismarck thou...
lnx - 28. Jul, 16:25
Plan to take over North...
North Dakota, star of the North West, endless praerie,...
Martinovich - 27. Jul, 04:20
low profile camping
Alright, 7 days of serious wilderness must be enough....
lnx - 19. Jul, 04:18
Travel Log^^Baron Time...
Cheers Travel Log! The Baron left Illinois as quick...
lnx - 13. Jul, 19:02





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