fast car//pickupmania

Hey Martin!

The Baron NEEDS a tattoo, necessarily. Otherwise: no road trip or anything. What about some flames? And a bumper sticker: flagburner's beware or similar redneck shit like NRA crap.
However, the car looks fucking brilliant. I can imagine the two of us after a nice day of trout fishing and bbq falling asleep on the back, looking into a bright sky full of stars...
Martinovich - 17. Mär, 21:13

RIFLEHOLDER/RED BARON- The ultimate SuperCar

Unfortunately You can not see my rifleholder on this picture.
It is mounted behind the seats, in front of the back window, so everybody can see that I am a real redneck! I bought it in New Hampshire were NRA members, like me, get 10% off at the local outpost. I don't have a rifle yet but I will have one soon, I'm thinking about to open an account in Texas.
What else to say about the Red Baron? Jah, right, he's a real lady killer! Girls love 'em!
Well, I might think about this sticker thing, maybe so'mt'n like LIVE FREE OR DIE?

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